Variant Ventures Community Guidelines and Code of Ethics

Hello Variants! Given current events we wanted to share insight into who we are and how we have and will continue to operate from day 1 and beyond. Here are our Community Guidelines and Code of Ethics:

Social Media Community Guidelines Introduction

Variant Ventures’ Social Media accounts, (“VV SM Accounts”) are intended to provide our community with a space to interact and collaborate amongst one another.  In order to align with Variant Ventures’ Code of Ethics, Social Media Community guidelines have been established. These guidelines clearly set a standard for participation with VV SM Accounts and should be reviewed by those within our community.

An Inclusive and Respectful Community

At Variant Ventures we believe in The Golden Rule of “treat others in the way you want to be treated.”  We expect members of our community to follow the same principle.

All communications are expected to be free of discrimination or harassment.  Actions, words, jokes, or comments based on legally protected characteristics or those found in our Code of Ethics will not be tolerated.  Such characteristics include but are not limited to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, social and economic class, educational level, color, immigration status, sex, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical differences.

Any communications that breach this agreement will be removed and participants may be blocked.

Your Comments Are Your Own

Any communications from within our community to VV SM Accounts belong to the contributors only. The views expressed by our community are not representative of Variant Ventures, its employees, contractors and collaborative partners.  Variant Ventures neither endorses nor approves said views.

Use Your Own Original Content

All content posted on VV SM Accounts must be properly credited to the author or developer of said content and comply with applicable intellectual property laws, copyrights, trademarks, and patents.


Variant Ventures is not responsible or liable for damages that may occur while you engage with a VV SM Account.  You must comply with the social media platform or tool terms and conditions on which VV SM Accounts are hosted.

Updates to the Guidelines

Variant Ventures reserves the right to regularly review and update our community guidelines and to do so without prior notice.

Variant Ventures Code of Ethics

At Variant Ventures, our mission is to provide the resources and support for collaborative story-builders at all levels of experience, ability and backgrounds — through collaboration with passionate, talented individuals along with our own products and services to inspire and entertain our community.

As such, we expect all members of Variant Ventures, including our business partners, to operate by the same values in their judgment and behavior.

Open communication and expression should be guided by the desire for a respectful, inclusive, and collaborative working environment.


We welcome and support people of all backgrounds and identities. This includes, but is not limited to members of any sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, social and economic class, educational level, color, immigration status, sex, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical differences.


We conduct ourselves in a kind and professional manner so that we may foster a creative working environment.  We believe in the Golden Rule of “treat others in the way you want to be treated.” This principle extends to each interaction we have and in every communication we put forth.

We operate in an environment of honesty and transparency. This includes our internal operations, our relationships with our partners, and our business and communications within the community.


We comply with all local, state, and federal laws and requirements in all areas in which we operate.  In addition, we only operate with businesses or in partnerships that operate in full accordance with the law.


We operate under the principles of objectivity and fairness.  As such, we work to reduce favoritism at all levels of decision-making within the company.


We stand by our products, our communications and the decisions we make as a company.  If necessary we take the appropriate steps to fix any mistakes that are made.  We also own up to our limitations and ask for help when needed to ensure we operate at our best.


We find strength in diversity. Sharing differing viewpoints and perspectives is a key element to creativity and conquering new challenges.  We are a community that is strongest when we all work in harmony. Communication is key, as such, all members are expected to keep open and timely communication when collaborating with Variant Ventures or other craftspersons, artists, and partners.

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